Therapy Valley Foundation is dedicated to empowering young adults facing behavioral health challenges. We provide a supportive community and access to vital resources, helping them navigate their unique journeys and build fulfilling lives. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive, and we're committed to offering the tools and support necessary for young adults to achieve their full potential.
People Helped
High rated foundation
Funds go to patients
At Therapy Valley Foundation, our passion stems from a deep understanding of the challenges young adults face when navigating behavioral health conditions. We recognize the critical need for accessible resources, supportive communities, and personalized guidance during this pivotal stage of life. We believe that with the right support, every young adult can find their path to wellness and build a fulfilling future.
We envision a world where young adults facing behavioral health challenges are met with compassion, understanding, and unwavering support. We strive to break down stigma, promote mental wellness, and create a community where everyone feels empowered to thrive. We are committed to expanding our reach and impact, ensuring that every young adult has access to the resources they need to build a brighter future.
We've got many houses on property
Help with food prep and planning meals
Our programing teaches how to be independent